Joining NJROTC
How do I enroll in the program?
NJROTC is an elective class. The program counts as PE credit for the first 2 years of high school and as honors credit for the last two years. NJROTC is also one of the Troy Tech pathways (known as Governmental Leadership). For more specific information, such as doing NJROTC with a sport or IB program, ask a current NJROTC cadet or your counselor!
What cadet gear is provided?
White shirt, cover, socks, shoes, uniform shirt and pants, relaxed fit jacket (upon request) are provided. Cadets will be assessed a fee if they lose any of the provided uniform items (other than the socks).
It’s recommended to purchase: a gray PE shirt with the NJROTC logo, black PE shorts with the NJROTC logo, and a windbreaker with the NJROTC logo. These can be found on the “Spirit Wear” page, or by clicking here.
If your cadet loses part or all of their uniform, they will be assessed a fee. Uniform shirts, pants, belts, or shoes can be replaced at the Supply department for free if your cadet outgrows them. For lost uniform items: refer to the Supply department for information on replacement costs.
Uniform dry cleaning
Haircuts for males (every 2-3 weeks)
Field trips may require a small fee to help offset the cost of transportation (bus/plane).
If your cadet participates in one or more teams in the unit, they may be asked to pay a fee to help pay for competition fees and supplies.
Competition trips that require an overnight stay or more will have a fee. The Booster Club works to decrease the costs of these trips through fundraisers. For example, the price to compete in Orienteering Nationals in Orlando, FL was $410 per cadet. The Booster Club subsidized the remainder of the fees.
We ask that each cadet make a $400 activity donation to help offset some of the costs of running the program (example: pay for cadet name tags, website hosting, change of command ceremonies, and supplies) and to participate in unit fundraisers such as restaurant dine-in events, email fundraisings, etc.
Please visit the Spirit Wear/Donation page to learn more about how to donate.
What are the requirements I NEED TO MEET if I want to chaperone a field trip or overnight event?
Complete the FJUHSD Volunteer Assistance Request form: Chaperone form and turn the form into the front office.
After being contacted by the Educational Center Human Resources, make an appointment to get your fingerprints taken.
You will be notified by the Educational Center HR if you're approved to be an overnight field trip chaperone.
What are the requirements if I want to volunteer for an event?
There are no special requirements to volunteer at our events. We are always in need of overnight chaperones, especially for the drill teams that occasionally travel long distances to compete.
Supply is usually open at lunch in the squad bay (except Wednesdays), but it’s always best to contact a member of the Supply department first.
Who can I contact if I have additional questions?
Any of our senior cadets or alumni would be happy to help out and answer your questions! Or you can click the button below to contact us.